All tee times will be booked and paid for in advance by credit card by phone.
All additional items will need to be paid for at this time. Golf Carts, Range balls, Pro Shop purchases.
There will be NO CASH accepted at the golf course at any station.
Policies and Procedures
All guests are encouraged to follow General Best Practices including;
Social Distancing – staying 2meters / 6 feet apart from each other, members, guest and staff at Iron Creek.
Hand washing. 20 Seconds under warm water with soap often, and use hand sanitizer when water is not available.
Self-monitor for symptoms of Covid-19 (Such as Cough, fever, muscle aches, troubles breathing or any other cold-like symptoms)) and if any of these symptoms are present then do not come to the golf course and follow advice from public health authorities. If you have had close contact with a case of COVID-19 or someone who is ill with respiratory systems or travelled outside of the Province in the past 14 days.
We ask that you arrive no more than 20 minutes prior to your tee time. You will be asked to stay a safe distance away by your cart or staging area. At this time, you can unload your equipment and put on your shoes and make your way to the cart staging area.
The Starter will let you know the order for play. You will be either ON TEE, ON DECK or in STAGING AREA. If you are not directed to one of these areas then you are too early and you are asked to remain in your car.
STAGING AREA groups may choose to warm up, hit balls or practice putting. Carts may be taken to the range.
Spacing on the range between hitting areas has been increased to allow more distance between golfers.
ON DECK groups should be waiting at their designated spot for the sign from the Starter that the 1st tee is clear and they can proceed to the 1st tee spots.
ON TEE groups will be informed when they can start play.
The Snack Bar will have a “take out” window that you can access prior to teeing off and after the 9th hole. There will be a limited menu with a selection of ready-made take-out food and beverages. Please call the pro shop from the 9th tee to order and cooked items. The Snack bar will only accept DEBIT / CREDIT.
Patio NOW OPEN and has been extended maintaining social distancing of 2meters/6 feet for all open-air seating table areas overlooking the 9th hole for your enjoyment before or after your round of golf.
PRO SHOP will be available for any other items. Prior to entering, it is mandatory that you wear a mask/face covering to cover your nose, mouth area. If you arrive within 20 minutes of your tee time then you may ask to enter the Pro Shop to make a credit / debit purchase of items. A staff member will allow access to the shop 1 (One) person at a time. After one person leaves the shop then the next person will be allowed access.
Are available to use ONLY during the 20-minute window prior to your tee off. No other walk in, guests, members can use the practice facility at this time.
All washroom facilities are open for public use. They are not monitored after each use and we request that you sanitize your hands after leaving any washroom building. Hand sanitizer units are available outside on the wall of every washroom facility at Iron Creek.
Will not have access to the Pro Shop without an appointment. If you need to reach someone at the club then please call the pro shop and we will arrange a meeting or have someone contact you over the phone (preferable).
Iron Creek reserves the right to modify, change or amend this document as the situation progresses through the stages of re-opening the economy.

It is required that all Guests / Members print and sign a Cart Rental Waiver prior to receiving access to one of our golf carts. It will be the responsibility of the golf cart renter to adhere to the guidelines of this waiver. Please click the button below to view and download a printable pdf of our waiver and bring it with you when you visit our course.